Kjerneinnholdet i fredsinitiativet
Styrke båndene mellom Israel og Egypt. Arbeide for fredelige relasjoner med de andre arabiske land. Forbedre flyktningenes forhold gjennom internasjonal bistand. Valg og midlertidig selvstyre for de palestinske araberne.
Under følger tekst i engelsk oversettelse.
May 14, 1989
The following peace initiative was formulated by Prime Minister Shamir (Likud) and Defence Minister Rabin (Labour) and represents the consensus of Israel policy in the National unity government. The plan consists of four basic points:
- Strengthing the peace with Egypt as a regional cornerstone
- Promoting full peaceful relations with the Arab states
- Improving refugee conditions though international efforts
- Elections and interim self-rule for the Palestinian Arabs
This initiative is based on the Camp David Accords, and in turn, forms the basis of the Madrid framework for the Middle East peace negotiations.
- This document presents the principles of a political initiative of the Government of Israel which deals with the continuation of the peace process; the termination of the state of war with the Arab states; a solution for the Arabs of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district; peace with Jordan; and a resolution of the problem of the residents of the refugee camps in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district.
- The document includes:
- The principles upon which the initiative is based.
- Details of the processes for its implementation.
- Reference to the subject of the elections under consideration. Further details relating to the elections as well as other subjects of the initiative will be dealt with separately.
- The initiative is founded upon the assumption that there is a national consensus for it on the basis of the basic guidelines of the Government of Israel, including the following points:
- Israel yearns for peace and the continuation of the political process by means of direct negotiations based on the principles of the Camp David Accords.
- Israel opposes the establishment of an additional Palestinian state in the Gaza district and in the area between Israel and Jordan.
- Israel will not conduct negotiations with the PLO.
- There will be no change in the status of Judea, Samaria and Gaza other than in accordance with the basic guidelines of the Government.
- Israel views as important that the peace between Israel and Egypt, based on the Camp David Accords, will serve as a cornerstone for enlarging the circle of peace in the region, and calls for a common endeavor for the strengthening of the peace and its extension, through continued consultation.
- Israel calls for the establishment of peaceful relations between it and those Arab states which still maintain a state of war with it for the purpose of promoting a comprehensive settlement for the Arab-Israel conflict, including recognition, direct negotiation, ending the boycott, diplomatic relations, cessation of hostile activity in international institutions or forums and regional and bilateral cooperation.
- Israel calls for an international endeavour to resolve the problem of the residents of the Arab refugee camps in Judea. Samaria and the Gaza district in order to improve their living conditions and to rehabilitate them. Israel is prepared to be a partner in this endeavour.
- In order to advance the political negotiation process leading to peace, Israel proposes free and democratic elections among the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district in an atmosphere devoid of violence, threats and terror.
In these elections a representation will be chosen to conduct negotiations for a transitional period of self-rule. This period will constitute a test for co-existence and cooperation. At a later stage, negotiations will be conducted for a permanent solution during which all the proposed options for an agreed settlement will be examined, and peace between Israel and Jordan will be achieved. - All the above-mentioned steps should be dealt with simultaneously.
- The details of what has been mentioned in (d) above will be given below.
- The initiative is based on two stages:
- Stage A – A transitional period for an interim agreement.
- Stage B – Permanent Solution.
- The interlock between the stages is a timetable on which the Plan is built: the peace process delineated by the initiative is based on Resolutions 242 and 338 upon which the Camp David Accords are founded.
- The transitional period will continue for 5 years.
- As soon as possible, but not later than the third year after the beginning of the transitional period, negotiations for achieving a permanent solution will begin.
- The parties participating in the negotiations for the First Stage (the interim agreement) shall include Israel and the elected representation of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district. Jordan and Egypt will be invited to participate in these negotiations if they so desire.
- The parties participating in the negotiations for the Second Stage (Permanent Solution) shall include Israel and the elected representation of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district, as well as Jordan; furthermore, Egypt may participate in these negotiations. In negotiations between Israel and Jordan, in which the elected representation of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district will participate, the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan will be concluded.
- During the transitional period the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district will be accorded self-rule by means of which they will, themselves, conduct their affairs of daily life. Israel will continue to be responsible for security, foreign affairs and all matters concerning Israeli citizens in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district. Topics involving the implementation of the plan for self-rule will be considered and decided within the framework of the negotiations for an interim agreement.
- In the negotiations for a permanent solution every party shall be entitled to present for discussion all the subjects it may wish to raise.
- The aim of the negotiations should be:
- The achievement of a permanent solution acceptable to the negotiating parties.
- The arrangements for peace and borders between Israel and Jordan.
- First and foremost dialogue and basic agreement by the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district, as well as Egypt and Jordan if they wish to take part, as above-mentioned, in the negotiations, on the principles constituting the initiative.
- Immediately afterwards will follow the stage of preparations and implementation of the election process in which a representation of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and Gaza will be elected. This representation:
- Shall be a partner to the conduct of negotiations for the transitional period (interim agreement).
- Shall constitute the self-governing authority in the course of the transitional period.
- Shall be the central Palestinian component, subject to agreement after three years, in the negotiations for the permanent solution.
- In the period of the preparation and implementation there shall be a calming of the violence in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district.
- Immediately afterwards will follow the stage of preparations and implementation of the election process in which a representation of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria and Gaza will be elected. This representation:
- As to the substance of the elections, it is recommended that a proposal of regional elections be adopted, the details of which shall be determined in further discussions.
- Every Palestinian Arab residing in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza district, who shall be elected by the inhabitants to represent them – after having submitted his candidacy in accordance with the detailed document which shall determine the subject of the elections – may be a legitimate participant in the conduct of negotiations with Israel.
- The elections shall be free, democratic and secret.
- Immediately after the election of the Palestinian representation, negotiations shall be conducted with it on an interim agreement for a transitional period which shall continue for 5 years, as mentioned above. In these negotiations the parties shall determine all the subjects relating to the substance to the self-rule and the arrangements necessary for its implementation.
- As soon as possible, but not later than the third year after the establishment of the self-rule, negotiations for a permanent solution shall begin. During the whole period of these negotiations until the signing of the agreement for a permanent solution, the self-rule shall continue in effect as determined in the negotiations for an interim agreement.