Mandag 29. juni er det ventet at FNs menneskerettighetsråd kommer med fordømmelser av Israel i en rapport om Gaza-krigen i 2014. Samme dag samler Israel-venner fra hele Europa seg til støttemarkering for Israel på nasjonenes plass i Genève.
Klikk her for å melde deg på demonstrasjonens Facebook-side.
MIFF gir sin støtte til markeringen gjennom vårt medlemskap i European Alliance for Israel.
Samarbeidsorganisasjoner (foreløpig liste):
Federation of Italian-Israeli Friendship Associations
ADI (Amici d’Israele) – Friends of Israel Organization (Italy)
EDIPI – Evangelicals of Italy for Israel
Christians for Israel (Italy)
Over the Rainbow (Italy)
Jewish Community of Milan (Italy)
Jewish Community of Turin (Italy)
Zionist Organization of Turin (Italy)
Camis De Fonseca Foundation – Turin (Italy)
Northern Ireland friends of Israel
Anglican Friends of Israel
Zionist Federation GB and Ireland
Glasgow Jewish Representative Council (Scotland)
Christen an der Seite Israels
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Israel-Werke Schweiz (IWS)
America-Israel Friendship League
American Jewish committee Atlanta
American Jewish Committee
Association Suisse-Israel
Associação de Amizade Portugal-Israel
B´nai B´rith Concordia Košice
B’nai B’rith Europe
B’nai B’rith France
B’nai B’rith International
B´nai B´rith Tolerance Bratislava
Club der Freunde Israels
Christen an der Seite Israels-Österreich
Christians for Israel International
C.R.I.F. (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France)
European Coalition for Israel
European Union of Jewish Students
Faith Church (Hungary)
Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange
Human Rights Voices
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia
Israel Europe Freedom Center
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien
Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft Österreich- Bundesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden
Jewish Diplomatic Corps
KKL Finland
National Union of Israeli Students NUIS
Österreichisch Israelische Gesellschaft
Over the Rainbow
Parliamentarian Group Swiss-Israel
Patmos Lähetyssäätiö (Finland)
Proclaiming justice to the nations-PJTN
Stand With Us
STEP UP for Israel
Suomen Karmel-yhdistys (Finland)
Swiss Union of Jewish Students SUJS
Take A Pen
The Central Union of the Jewish Religious Communities to the Slovak Republic
Slovak-Israeli Friendship Society
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (Canada)
The Columbia, SC, Jewish Federation
The European Alliance for Israel
The Grace Christian Fellowship Milosť
The Israel Project
The London Center for policy Research
Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust
We Believe in Israel (UK)
World Jewish Congress
World Union of Jewish Students WUJS
Zionist Organization of America