I over 1400 år er det jødiske folket blitt undertrykt og forfulgt av arabiske og muslimske grupper i Midtøsten. Helt fra jødene begynte å gjenoppbygge en stat i sitt historiske og religiøse kjerneland, ble de møtt med avvisning, hatkampanjer, vold og terror.

Etter at arabiske land ble selvstendige fra europeiske kolonimakter, kom forfølgelsen av jødene tilbake med full styrke. Jødene som var en minoritet på omlag 2 prosent spredt omkring i Nord-Afrika og Midtøsten for hundre år siden, har etablert en stat på mindre enn 0,2 prosent av landområdet.

Selv om jødenes fiender har drevet dem ut av 99,8 prosent av området, fortsetter de krigen mot jødene i Israel. 7. oktober-massakren var en del av denne krigen. Det er også palestinske myndigheters hatopplæring og belønningssystem for terror.

Denne krigen må ta slutt!

Dessverre er det sterke krefter i Norge som støtter kampen for å undergrave verdens eneste jødiske statIsrael er i flere tiår blitt  demonisert av NRK, nyhetsbyrået NTB og andre medier. Norske skolebøker og den statsfinansierte elevsiden fn.no er fulle av feil om Israel. Etter 7. oktober 2023 har også regjeringen, med Jonas Gahr Støre og Espen Barth Eide i spissen, markert seg som noen av de mest anti-israelske politikerne i Europa. 

Denne propagandakrigen må ta slutt nå!

Hvis du er enig, bli medlem av MIFF nå!

Dersom du ikke vet hva du skal tenke om Israel


Dersom du støtter det jødiske folkets rett til sitt nasjonale hjemland i Israel


Dersom du allerede er medlem av MIFF

En lang rekke ganger, lenge før Gaza-krigen i 2023, er Israel blitt anklaget for folkemord mot palestinerne. Anklagen er blitt framsatt for å demonisere verdens eneste jødiske stat. 

Da PA-president Mahmoud Abbas besøkte Tyskland i 2022, anklaget han for eksempel Israel for å ha «begått 50 Holocaust» mot palestinerne. I Holocaust ble to tredeler av Europas jødiske befolkning drept av nazistene. Som kontrast har antallet arabiske innbyggere i Gaza og Vestbredden (Judea og Samaria) økt med fire hundre prosent etter 1948. Folkeveksten skjøt fart etter at Israel fikk kontroll over områdene i 1967.

Les mer på temasiden Løgnanklagene mot Israel om folkemord og etnisk rensning og artikler relatert spesielt til Gaza

7. oktober 2023 gjennomførte Hamas og Islamsk Jihad, støttet av Iran, den største massakren på sivile jøder siden Holocaust. Over 1200 israelere ble drept (kart, bilder og videoer), 251 kidnappet og over 4.800 skadet. Helt siden etableringen i 1988 har Hamas uttrykt drømmen om å utslette Israel og begå massakrer mot jøder. Bare israelske sikkerhetstiltak har forhindret dette tidligere. Bare israelske forsvarstiltak mot Hamas kan hindre at det skjer igjen. Hamas sier at de vil gjenta slike massakrer inntil Israel er utslettet.
8. oktober 2023 gikk også Hizbollah inn i krigen. De truet Israel med 150.000 raketter fra Sør-Libanon. Hizbollah er en shia-muslimsk terrororganisasjon som opererer i Libanon på vegne av Iran. Hizbollah står på terrorlistene til USAEUCanada og Australia, og er forbudt i Tyskland.

I 2014 påpekte MIFF de mange likhetene mellom Hamas og Islamsk Stat. Dessverre ble varslene ignorert av de fleste politikere og medier i Norge. Det ultimale målet til Hamas er systematisk blitt fordreid av for eksempel NRK.

Palestinske selvstyremyndigheter (PA) belønnet de etterlatte til de drepte terroristene med 20.000 kroner i en første utbetaling, senere kommer 3.800 kroner i måneden på livstid. Belønningen av terror er sponset av dine skattepenger.

De palestinske terroristene rykket inn i israelske landsbyer på en sabbatsmorgen, og israelske grensevakter ble tatt på sengen. De drepte et stort antall sivile – eldre, kvinner, barn – dødstallene har nå oversteget 1200. Som Islamsk Stat dokumenterte de sine egne krigsforbrytelser og forbrytelser mot menneskeheten i videoklipp. Omkring 250 mennesker ble tatt som gisler.

MIFF vet nøyaktig hvordan massakren på 1.200 israelere ble forberedt – og vi kjenner Norges rolle. Etter 7. oktober er det tid for en ny norsk tilnærming til konflikten! De store demokratiene gir klar støtte til Israels forsvarskamp, det samme må Norge gjøre.

At Hamas løslater gislene er det viktigste skrittet for å få til en raskest mulig avslutning på krigen. Se her hvordan du kan hjelpe.

Den redselsfulle krigen i kjølvannet av 7. oktober 2023 er alene ansvaret til Hamas, Iran og deres allierte. Hamas ønsker sivile tap på Gazastripen, sier en tidligere norsk forsvarssjef. Vi skulle så inderlig ønske for de sivile palestinernes skyld, at de fikk være med på fred og normalisering med israelerne. Men deres nasjonale bevegelse er blitt kuppet av de mørkeste, mest destruktive kreftene i verden.

For mer om krigen, se alle MIFFs siste nyhetsartikler og temasider nedover på denne siden.

Det var alltid riktig å støtte Israel. Gjennom århundrer ble det jødiske hjemlandet okkupert av romerske, bysantinske og ulike muslimske imperier [se tidslinje]. Jødene beholdt hele tiden sin sterke tilknytning til landet.

Dersom flere hadde støttet en jødiske statsdannelse for hundre år siden, kunne jødene hatt et tilfluktssted da nazistene startet med sin utryddelse. Men arabiske nasjonalister, inspirert av nazistisk antisemittisme, og islamistiske jihadister, skremte britene bort fra å oppfylle løftet om et jødisk nasjonalhjem. De brukte terror for å skremme, da som nå.

Dersom flere hadde støttet Israel på 1950- og 1960-tallet, ville kanskje ikke Egypt og Syria ha våget å mobilisere til krig. Men sovjetisk propaganda ble pumpet ut over Europa, og sakte, men sikkert er resultatene av Israels forsvarskrig blitt fordømt som «okkupasjon».

Dersom flere hadde støttet Israel, ville kanskje ikke Yasser Arafat ha klart å lure Nobelkomiteen og mange andre. Men Amnesty og andre humanitære organisasjoner har tatt opp arven etter Sovjets propaganda, og anklager ordningene som israelere og palestinere avtalte seg i mellom på 1990-tallet for «apartheid».

7. oktober 2023 ble det klart at jødehatende jihadister fortsatt dominerer i kampen mot Israel. Hvis du ikke støtter Israel etter massakren – hvor 1200 israelere ble drept, tusenvis skadet og over 250 tatt som gisler – vil du aldri støtte Israel. Da er det stor fare for at du alltid vil fortsette å være likegyldig.

Du bør støtte Israel fordi hatet som skapte Holocaust fortsatt lever, skrev MIFF i 2014. Du bør støtte Israel fordi Norge står overfor de samme fiender som Israel.

7. oktober 2023 ble det overtydelig hvor korrekt det var. Massakren ble begått av unge palestinske menn som er lært opp til jødehat og jihad på skoler finansiert av Norge.

  • I tredje klasse lærte de å «ofre blodet» for å «eliminere maktrøverne» og «utrydde restene av utlendingene».
  • I femte klasse har de lært at martyrdød og jihad er «den mest viktige mening med livet» og at jøder er «fiender av islam».
  • Terroristene fra 7. oktober lærte i syvende klasse at Israel er «Satans tjener». Da fikk de også lære at «å ofre livet i kamp er det største». Året etter ble de fortalt at barn som deltar i jihad er «sikkerhetsventilen i samfunnet».
  • I tiende klasse ble de fortalt at døden er skjebnebestemt og at jihad er deres kall. «Og vårt rene blod, vil vi ikke spare, vil vi ikke spare, vil vi ikke spare,» blir det messet i en annen skolebok.
  • I tolvte klasse har de lært om å «returnere» med våpen i hånd. Elevene har lært at det betyr at Israel blir borte.

Du må støtte Israel – nå mer enn noen gang. Israel er i en forsvarskrig for å hindre at 7. oktober 2023 aldri mer skal gjenta seg. Hamas skal bli vingeklippet, slik at de aldri mer har militær kapasitet. Iran og Hizbollah skal bli avskrekket. Nå må du støtte Israels forsvarskamp!

Med Israel for fred samler Israel-venner med ulikt politisk ståsted, ulik tro og livssyn. Vi har også forskjellig syn på israelsk politikk. Når det gjelder saker som er omstridt internt i det israelske samfunnet, formidler vi de store gruppenes ulike hovedsyn, uten som organisasjon å ta stilling til spørsmålene.

MIFF sprer informasjon gjennom nettsider, sosiale medier (se over), møter i lokalforeninger og nasjonale konferanser m.m. MIFF forsvarer også Israel i mediene og har aktuelle kampanjer. Etter 7. oktober-massakren er vårt innhold sett mange millioner ganger rundt på de ulike plattformene.

Her er bare noen smakebiter på MIFF-statistikken fra 7. oktober 2023 og fram til 23. september 2024:

  • Vekst fra 11.254 til 14.673 medlemmer i Norge
  • Over tusen nye medlemmer i Danmark og Sverige
  • 53,5 millioner annonsevisninger i Google
  • 4,4 millioner sidevisninger på miff.no
  • Rekkevidde til 2 millioner Facebook-kontoer
  • 6000 nye følgere på Facebook-siden
  • 3800 nye abonnenter på YouTube
  • 2300 nye følgere på TikTok
  • 1800 nye følgere på X
  • 1200 nye følgere på Instagram
  • 2,3 millioner videovisninger på Facebook
  • 1,5 millioner videovisninger på YouTube
  • 1 million videovisninger på TikTok

Les mer om MIFF og bli medlem nå!

Les artikkelen hvor MIFF korrigerer feil som stadig blir framsatt om Gaza og Hamas.

De generelle teknikkene som mediene bruker for å skape et falskt bilde av Israel

1. Konflikter hvor Israel er involvert blir dekket ekstremt mye mer enn andre konflikter som krever mange ganger flere menneskeliv.

2. Israels forsvarskamp blir ikke sammenlignet med andre lands krigføring.

3. Palestinske flyktninger blir nevnt ustanselig, selv om det har gått 75 år siden arabisk side tapte i forsøket på å utrydde den jødiske staten i 1948.

4. Levekårene til palestinerne blir ikke sammenlignet med arabiske naboland.

5. Folkeretten blir manipulert til kun å ramme den jødiske staten, og Israels rettigheter blir nesten aldri nevnt.

Les mer på temasiden Mediedekningen og bestill MIFFs bok Det falske bildet av Israel

Det skapes falske bilder av Israel i norsk skole, ikke bare på grunn av mange feil i læreverkene, men også fordi viktige elementer i det israelske narrativet er helt borte eller svært nedtonet. Klikk her for å lese faktasjekker og for å bestille MIFFs bok Opplært til fordommer.

Ingen verk nevner jødiske flyktninger fra arabiske land, og bare ett læreverk nevner Iran som en aktør i konflikten. Sterke anklager mot Israel blir framsatt, uten at Israels svar får komme fram

Mange skoleelever blir henvist av lærere til FN-sambandets infosider om Israel, Palestina og konflikten. Mange tror fn.no er en «nøytral og god» kilde.

Dette stemmer ikke. MIFF avdekket sommeren 2023 hvordan FN-sambandet misbruker skattepenger til å gi norske barn et falskt bilde av Israel. Organisasjonen er på ingen måte objektiv eller nøytral i forhold til Israel. FN-sambandet gjorde noen rettinger etter MIFFs første faktasjekk, men reagerte deretter med sjikanerende omtale av MIFF.

Selv etter 7. oktober-massakren er FN-sambandet uvillig til å kalle Hamas en terrororganisasjon.

Abraham-avtalene: Israels fredsavtaler med Emiratene og Bahrain – full tekst

Emiratene og Bahrain undertegnet fredsavtaler med Israel 15. september 2020. (Foto: Avi Ohayon, GPO)
Her er de tre dokumentene som ble undertegnet i Washington 15. september 2020.

Her følger teksten i fredsavtalene undertegnet mellom Israel og De forente arabiske emirater og Bahrain i Washington D.C. tirsdag 15. september 2020.

Tre dokumenter ble signert:

Her følger full tekst på engelsk.

The Abraham Accords Declaration

We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including religious freedom.

We encourage efforts to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue to advance a culture of peace among the three Abrahamic religions and all humanity.

We believe that the best way to address challenges is through cooperation and dialogue and that developing friendly relations among States advances the interests of lasting peace in the Middle East and around the world.

We seek tolerance and respect for every person in order to make this world a place where all can enjoy a life of dignity and hope, no matter their race, faith or ethnicity.

We support science, art, medicine, and commerce to inspire humankind, maximize human potential and bring nations closer together.

We seek to end radicalization and conflict to provide all children a better future.

We pursue a vision of peace, security and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world.

In this spirit, we warmly welcome and are encouraged by the progress already made in establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors in the region under the principles of the Abraham Accords.

We are encouraged by the ongoing efforts to consolidate and expand such friendly relations based on shared interests and a shared commitment to a better future.

Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel

The Government of the United Arab Emirates and the Government of the State of Israel (hereinafter, the “Parties”)

Aspiring to realize the vision of a Middle East region that is stable, peaceful and prosperous, for the benefit of all States and peoples in the region;

Desiring to establish peace, diplomatic and friendly relations, co-operation and full normalization of ties between them and their peoples, in accordance with this Treaty, and to chart together a new path to unlock the vast potential of their countries and of the region;

Reaffirming the “Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates” (the “Abraham Accords”), dated 13 August 2020;

Believing that the further development of friendly relations meets the interests of lasting peace in the Middle East and that challenges can only be effectively addressed by cooperation and not by conflict;

Determined to ensure lasting peace, stability, security and prosperity for both their States and to develop and enhance their dynamic and innovative economies;

Reaffirming their shared commitment to normalize relations and promote stability through diplomatic engagement, increased economic cooperation and other close coordination;

Reaffirming also their shared belief that the establishment of peace and full normalization between them can help transform the Middle East by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation and forging closer people-to-people relations;

Recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, and inspired, in that spirit, to foster in the Middle East a reality in which Muslims, Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, denominations, beliefs and nationalities live in, and are committed to, a spirit of coexistence, mutual understanding and mutual respect;

Recalling the reception held on January 28, 2020, at which President Trump presented his Vision for Peace, and committing to continuing their efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, realistic and enduring solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict;

Recalling the Treaties of Peace between the State of Israel and the Arab Republic of Egypt and between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and committed to working together to realize a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that meets the legitimate needs and aspirations of both peoples, and to advance comprehensive Middle East peace, stability and prosperity;

Emphasizing the belief that the normalization of Israeli and Emirati relations is in the interest of both peoples and contributes to the cause of peace in the Middle East and the world;

Expressing deep appreciation to the United States for its profound contribution to this historic achievement;

Have agreed as follows:

1. Establishment of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Normalization:

Peace, diplomatic relations and full normalization of bilateral ties are hereby established between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel.

2. General Principles:

The Parties shall be guided in their relations by the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law governing relations among States. In particular, they shall recognize and respect each other’s sovereignty and right to live in peace and security, develop friendly relations of cooperation between them and their peoples, and settle all disputes between them by peaceful means.

3. Establishment of Embassies:

The Parties shall exchange resident ambassadors as soon as practicable after the signing of this Treaty, and shall conduct diplomatic and consular relations in accordance with the applicable rules of international law.

4. Peace and Stability:

The Parties shall attach profound importance to mutual understanding, cooperation and coordination between them in the spheres of peace and stability, as a fundamental pillar of their relations and as a means for enhancing those spheres in the Middle East as a whole. They undertake to take the necessary steps to prevent any terrorist or hostile activities against each other on or from their respective territories, as well as deny any support for such activities abroad or allowing such support on or from their respective territories. Recognizing the new era of peace and friendly relations between them, as well as the centrality of stability to the well-being of their respective peoples and of the region, the Parties undertake to consider and discuss these matters regularly, and to conclude detailed agreements and arrangements on coordination and cooperation.

5. Cooperation and Agreements in Other Spheres:

As an integral part of their commitment to peace, prosperity, diplomatic and friendly relations, cooperation and full normalization, the Parties shall work to advance the cause of peace, stability and prosperity throughout the Middle East, and to unlock the great potential of their countries and of the region. For such purposes, the Parties shall conclude bilateral agreements in the following spheres at the earliest practicable date, as well as in other spheres of mutual interest as may be agreed:- Finance and Investment- Civil Aviation- Visas and Consular Services- Innovation, Trade and Economic Relations

– Healthcare

– Science, Technology and Peaceful Uses of Outer-Space

– Tourism, Culture and Sport

– Energy

– Environment

– Education

– Maritime Arrangements

– Telecommunications and Post

– Agriculture and Food Security

– Water

– Legal Cooperation

Any such agreements concluded before the entry into force of this Treaty shall enter into effect with the entry into force of this Treaty unless otherwise stipulated therein. Agreed principles for cooperation in specific spheres are annexed to this Treaty and form an integral part thereof.

6. Mutual Understanding and Co-existence:

The Parties undertake to foster mutual understanding, respect, co-existence and a culture of peace between their societies in the spirit of their common ancestor, Abraham, and the new era of peace and friendly relations ushered in by this Treaty, including by cultivating people-to-people programs, interfaith dialogue and cultural, academic, youth, scientific, and other exchanges between their peoples. They shall conclude and implement the necessary visa and consular services agreements and arrangements so as to facilitate efficient and secure travel for their respective nationals to the territory of each other. The Parties shall work together to counter extremism, which promotes hatred and division, and terrorism and its justifications, including by preventing radicalization and recruitment and by combating incitement and discrimination. They shall work towards establishing a High-Level Joint Forum for Peace and Co-Existence dedicated to advancing these goals.

7. Strategic Agenda for the Middle East:

Further to the Abraham Accords, the Parties stand ready to join with the United States to develop and launch a “Strategic Agenda for the Middle East” in order to expand regional diplomatic, trade, stability and other cooperation. They are committed to work together, and with the United States and others, as appropriate, in order to advance the cause of peace, stability and prosperity in the relations between them and for the Middle East as a whole, including by seeking to advance regional security and stability; pursue regional economic opportunities; promote a culture of peace across the region; and consider joint aid and development programs.

8. Other Rights and Obligations:

This Treaty does not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting, in any way, the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Charter of the United Nations. The Parties shall take all necessary measures for the application in their bilateral relations of the provisions of the multilateral conventions of which they are both parties, including the submission of appropriate notification to the depositaries of such conventions.

9. Respect for Obligations:

The Parties undertake to fulfill in good faith their obligations under this Treaty, without regard to action or inaction of any other party and independently of any instrument inconsistent with this Treaty. For the purposes of this paragraph each Party represents to the other that in its opinion and interpretation there is no inconsistency between their existing treaty obligations and this Treaty. The Parties undertake not to enter into any obligation in conflict with this Treaty. Subject to Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations, in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Parties under the present Treaty and any of their other obligations, the obligations under this Treaty shall be binding and implemented. The Parties further undertake to adopt any legislation or other internal legal procedure necessary in order to implement this Treaty, and to repeal any national legislation or official publications inconsistent with this Treaty.

10. Ratification and Entry into Force:

This Treaty shall be ratified by both Parties as soon as practicable in conformity with their respective national procedures and will enter into force following the exchange of instruments of ratification.

11. Settlement of Disputes:

Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Treaty shall be resolved by negotiation. Any such dispute which cannot be settled by negotiation may be referred to conciliation or arbitration subject to the agreement of the Parties.

12. Registration:

This Treaty shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Done at Washington, DC, this day Elul 26th, 5780, Muharram 27th, 1442, which corresponds to 15 September 2020, in the Hebrew, Arabic and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the State of Israel: H.E. Benjamin, Netanyahu, Prime Minister

For the United Arab Emirates: H.H. Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Witnessed by: H.E. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America


Pursuant to Article 5 of the Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel, the Parties shall conclude bilateral agreements in spheres of mutual interest, in furtherance of which they have agreed to the following provisions. Such provisions are annexed to the Treaty and form an integral part thereof.

Finance and Investment

Further to the Agreed Protocol signed between the Parties on September 1, 2020, in Abu Dhabi, the Parties shall cooperate to expeditiously deepen and broaden bilateral investment relations, and give high priority to concluding agreements in the sphere of finance and investment, recognizing the key role of these agreements in the economic development of the Parties and the Middle East as a whole. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to protecting investors, consumers, market integrity and financial stability, as well as maintaining all applicable regulatory standards. Recognizing also their shared goal to advance regional economic development and the flow of goods and services, the Parties shall endeavor to promote collaborations on strategic regional infrastructure projects and shall explore the establishment of a multilateral working group for the “Tracks for Regional Peace” project.

Civil Aviation

The Parties acknowledge the importance of ensuring regular direct flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, for passengers and cargo, as an essential means for developing and promoting their relations. They recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the multilateral aviation agreements to which they are both a party, their annexes and any amendments thereof applicable to both Parties, particularly the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944, and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement. Accordingly, the Parties shall as soon as practicable conclude all the necessary agreements and arrangements governing civil aviation, and consequently work towards establishing an international air corridor between their two States in accordance with international law. They shall also reach and implement the necessary agreements and arrangements with respect to visas and consular services to facilitate travel for the citizens of both States.


The Parties affirm their mutual desire to promote tourism cooperation between them as a key component of economic development and of developing closer people-to-people and cultural ties. To this end, the Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information through advertisement spots, published and audiovisual promotional materials, and participation in tourist fairs. They shall also work together to promote joint tourism projects and packages between tourist operators so as to enhance tourism from third States. They shall work towards carrying out reciprocal study tours in order to increase knowledge in the development, management and marketing of heritage, cultural and rural tourism with a view to diversifying and deepening touristic links between them; and endeavor to utilize national marketing budgets to promote mutual tourism between the States.

Innovation, Trade and Economic Relations

The Parties shall enhance and expand their cooperation in innovation, trade and economic relations, so that the dividends of peace are felt across their societies. Recognizing that the principle of the free and unimpeded flow of goods and services should guide their relations, as well as the potential for diversification of bilateral trade opportunities, the Parties shall cooperate in order to enable favorable conditions for trade, and the reduction of trade barriers.

Science, Technology and Peaceful Uses of Outer-Space

The Parties acknowledge the important role of science, technology and innovation in the growth of multiple key sectors and shall strengthen joint action and mutual cooperation in scientific and technological advancement. This shall include furthering scientific cooperation and exchange, including between scientists, research and academic institutions, pursuing the establishment of joint research and development centers, and exploring the possibility of joint funding of research and scientific projects in select fields of mutual interest.

The Parties further express their common interest in establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, in a manner consistent with each Party’s respective applicable national laws and international obligations. Such cooperation may include implementation of joint programs, projects and activities in the fields of science, space exploration, space related technologies and education, exchange of experts, information and best practices, and the promotion of cooperation between their respective space industries.


The Parties acknowledge the importance of protecting, preserving and improving the environment, and shall promote environmental innovation for the sustainable development of the region and beyond. The Parties shall endeavor to cooperate to develop environmental protection strategies on priority issues, including on biodiversity conservation, marine environment protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and on the possible establishment of a center for developing pioneering solutions to climate challenges in arid and semi-arid environments.

Telecommunications and Post

The Parties recognize the necessity of mutually beneficial cooperation for the continued development of telecommunications, information technologies and postal services. They take note of the establishment between them of direct communications services, including telephone lines, and agree to promote, in accordance with relevant international conventions and regulations, direct postal exchange, submarine cables and e-commerce solutions, as well as utilize available satellite systems, fiber optical communication, and broadcasting services. The Parties will strive to develop frameworks for innovation in ICT, including advanced fixed and wireless communications, collaboration on 5G networks, smart cities, and use of ICT solutions to foster innovation and the creation of best services.


The Parties welcome progress made in cooperation between them regarding the treatment of, and the development of a vaccine for, the Covid-19 virus, as a sign of the tremendous potential for cooperation between them in the healthcare sphere. Recognizing the importance of building ties in the fields of health and medicine, the Parties shall cooperate, inter alia, on: medical education, training and simulations, digital health and artificial intelligence innovation in the health sector, and emergency management and preparedness.

Agriculture and Food Security

The Parties recognize the great importance of sustainable agricultural development, recognizing its vital role in addressing food security concerns, as well as in the preservation of the environment. They shall cooperate to harness and maximize existing technologies, actively facilitate new collaborations, and share and develop knowledge, technologies and innovative approaches in the field of arid agriculture, irrigation technologies, mariculture techniques in shallow sea water, sustainable nutritious fish feed production, and seed enhancement in hot and humid climates.


The Parties recognize the critical importance of sustainable water use and shall cooperate for their mutual benefit to address issues of water supply, water treatment and management, water security, efficiency, wastewater management and re-use, as well as water conservation and desalination.


The Parties take note of the strategic importance of the energy sector and in particular of their need to promote renewable energy, cooperation in the natural gas field, regional grids, alternative energy and energy security. They shall advance and develop mutual cooperation in energy projects, share best practices and discuss policies in energy forums that will help to promote and unlock the energy potential of the region, coordinating where appropriate with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), headquartered in Abu Dhabi.

Maritime Arrangements

Each Party shall recognize the right of vessels of the other Party to innocent passage through its territorial waters in accordance with international law. Each Party will grant normal access to its ports for vessels and cargoes of the other Party, as well as vessels and cargoes destined for or coming from the other Party. Such access shall be granted on the same terms as generally applicable to vessels and cargoes of other nations. The Parties shall conclude agreements and arrangements in maritime affairs, as may be required.

 Legal Cooperation

Recognizing the importance of a supporting legal framework for the movement of people and goods and for fostering a continuous business friendly environment between them, the Parties shall make best efforts to grant each other the widest measure of legal cooperation, including, inter alia, in respect of mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters, in accordance with their national laws and shall endeavor to conclude specific agreements and arrangements in this sphere.

Abraham Accords: Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations Between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have agreed to open an era of friendship and cooperation in pursuit of a Middle East region that is stable, secure and prosperous for the benefit of all States and peoples in the region. In this spirit Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and Foreign Minister Mr. Abdullatif Al Zayani met in Washington today, at the invitation of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America, to endorse the principles of the Abraham Accords and to commence a new chapter of peace. This diplomatic breakthrough was facilitated by the Abraham Accords initiative of President Donald J. Trump. It reflects the successful perseverance of the United States’ efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East. The Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel trust that this development will help lead to a future in which all peoples and all faiths can live together in the spirit of cooperation and enjoy peace and prosperity where states focus on shared interests and building a better future.

The parties discussed their shared commitment to advancing peace and security in the Middle East stressing the importance of embracing the vision of the Abraham Accords, widening the circle of peace, recognizing each State’s right to sovereignty and to live in peace and security, and continuing the efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive, and enduring resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In their meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, to promote lasting security, to eschew threats and the use of force, as well as advance coexistence and a culture of peace. In this spirit, they have today approved a series of steps initiating this new chapter in their relations. The Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel have agreed to seek agreements in the coming weeks regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, and other areas of mutual benefit, as well as reaching agreement on the reciprocal reopening of embassies.

The Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel view this moment as a historic opportunity and recognize their responsibility to pursue a more secure and prosperous future for generations to come in their respective countries and the region.

The two countries jointly express their profound thanks and appreciation to President Donald J. Trump for his untiring efforts and unique and pragmatic approach to further the cause of peace, justice and prosperity for all the peoples of the region. In recognition of this appreciation, the two countries have asked President Donald J. Trump to sign this document as a witness to their shared resolve and as the host of their historic meeting.

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