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MIFF i Jerusalem Post

Skjermdump fra MIFF-artikkelen i Jerusalem Post 24. januar 2022.
Denne uken løftet MIFF feil og mangler ved Israel-stoffet i norske skolebøker frem i Jerusalem Post.

Conrad Myrland, daglig leder i MIFF, innledet artikkelen slik:

According to the Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies, 32% of Norwegians think it is correct or somewhat correct that “Israel treats the Palestinians as badly as the Jews were treated during World War II”. About 37% think it’s a question that is “impossible to answer.” Only 31% have sufficient knowledge about the Middle East and World War II to reject this outrageous claim. 

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) points out that “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is a contemporary example of antisemitism. Why is it that such a large part of the Norwegian population is ready to accept that Israelis are as bad as Nazis? 

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