Nestleder i MIFFs hovedstyre Bengt-Ove Nordgård og daglig leder Conrad Myrland har i helgen deltatt på møte i European Alliance for Israel i Brussel. Dette er en allianse som formelt vil bli stiftet i Berlin våren 2015. Det første møtet i alliansen ble holdt i Wien 1. desember 2013.
MIFFs forslag til formål og grunnlag for alliansen ble vedtatt med mindre justeringer (se under).
Som representant for de nordiske landene ble Conrad Myrland nominert som én av fem visepresidenter i alliansen. Corina Eichenberger-Walther ble gjenvalgt som president. Det formelle valget vil bli gjort i Berlin våren 2015.
Landene som er representert på møtet i alliansen er Østerrike, Beliga, Tsjekkia, Danmark, Frankrike, Tyskland, Ungarn, Italia, Irland, Holland, Norge, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sverige og Sveits.
European Alliance for Israel – Proposal for Mission Statement to be adopted in Berlin Spring 2015
European Alliance for Israel is an alliance of Israel friendship organizations from 15 (to be changed) European countries.
Goal and purpose
The overall goal of EAI is to strengthen the support, friendship and understanding for Israel in Europe.
- EAI supports the Jewish people’s right to a national homeland in Israel, within secure and recognized borders.
- EAI rejects all organizations that do not recognize Israel, and strongly opposes all delegitimization.
- EAI rejects all forms of boycott of Israel, we work to promote all forms of cooperation between Israel and Europe.
- EAI opposes anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in all forms.
- EAI envisions a future where there is democracy, freedom and human rights for all the inhabitants of the Middle East, with Israel living in peace and mutual beneficial co-existence with its neighbours.
- EAI thinks that the conflict between Israel and its neighbors should be solved in direct negotiations between the parties.
EAI seeks cooperation with all actors in Europe or elsewhere that share our goal and purpose.