Den totale bistanden til det palestinske området ble derfor på ca. 779 millioner kroner i 2009, 32 millioner kroner mindre enn i 2008.
Palestinerne får mye mer norsk bistand enn alle andre
Norsk utviklingshjelp til palestinerne går til organisasjoner som fører en intens politisk kamp mot Israel
TEMASIDE: Norsk bistand fremmer ikke fred
Her følger en full oversikt over hvordan de bilaterale bistandsmidlene for 2009 og 2008 ble fordelt på ulike myndigheter og organisasjoner. Se også tall for 2007.
Alle tall i tabellen er i hele tusen kroner.
Avtalepartner | 2009 | 2008 | Endring | %-vis |
World Bank (budsjettstøtte pal. mynd.) | 323 900 | 314 054 | 9 846 | 3 |
Norges Røde Kors | 38 290 | 28 846 | 9 444 | 33 |
Norsk Folkehjelp | 31 465 | 22 365 | 9 100 | 41 |
Palestinian National Authority | 20 300 | 1 500 | 18 800 | 1253 |
Norwac – Norwegian Aid Committee | 17 500 | 30 657 | -13 157 | -43 |
UNRWA – UN Relief and Works Agency | 15 818 | 37 300 | -21 482 | -58 |
Kirkens Nødhjelp | 15 068 | 13 299 | 1 769 | 13 |
WHO – World Health Organization | 10 794 | 8 000 | 2 794 | 35 |
UNOCHA – UN Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs | 10 315 | 5 000 | 5 315 | 106 |
PCBS – Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics | 7 000 | 7 000 | 0 | 0 |
NAD – Pal Negotiation Affairs Department | 6 809 | 4 992 | 1 817 | 36 |
Flyktninghjelpen | 6 688 | 20 144 | -13 456 | -67 |
TIPH – Temporary International Presence In The City Of Hebron | 6 453 | 5 721 | 733 | 13 |
Atlas-alliansen | 6 404 | 5 952 | 453 | 8 |
UNOPS – UN Office for Project Services | 6 261 | 1 235 | 5 026 | 407 |
Politidirektoratet | 6 143 | 6 292 | -149 | -2 |
MEII – Middle East Investment Initiative | 6 000 | 6 000 | 0 | 0 |
Stiftelsen Oljeberget | 5 500 | 720 | 4 780 | 664 |
UNIFEM – UN Development Fund for Women | 5 300 | 2 300 | 3 000 | 130 |
Redd Barna Norge | 5 100 | 5 100 | ||
UNDP – UN Development Programme | 5 090 | 5 090 | ||
Palestinakomiteen i Norge | 4 450 | 3 700 | 750 | 20 |
OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | 4 000 | 4 000 | ||
Sabreen, Palestine | 3 500 | 3 500 | 0 | 0 |
UNESCO – UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | 3 241 | 1 125 | 2 116 | 188 |
Central Election Commission (PAL) | 3 150 | 4 000 | -850 | -21 |
FAO – Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations | 3 000 | 7 000 | -4 000 | -57 |
Association of Women Committees for Social Work, Palestine | 3 000 | 4 170 | -1 170 | -28 |
Yabous Cultural Center | 3 000 | 3 000 | ||
EU COPPS – European Union Co-ordination Office for Palestinian Police Support | 2 800 | 800 | 2 000 | 250 |
HDIP – Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute | 2 613 | 3 500 | -887 | -25 |
Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo | 2 400 | 2 400 | ||
SIU – Senter for internasjonalisering av høyere utdanning | 2 113 | 2 234 | -121 | -5 |
CMI – Chr Michelsen Institute | 2 050 | 2 510 | -460 | -18 |
PICCR – Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen’s Rights | 2 000 | 2 000 | 0 | 0 |
WLAC – Women Legal Aid Center | 2 000 | 800 | 1 200 | 150 |
Norges KFUK/KFUM | 1 940 | 1 768 | 172 | 10 |
AMAN Coalition | 1 907 | 1 000 | 907 | 91 |
PEA – Palestine Energy Authority | 1 647 | 12 870 | -11 223 | -87 |
Right to Play | 1 560 | 2 372 | -812 | -34 |
MADAR – Palestinian Center for Israel Studies | 1 500 | 2 500 | -1 000 | -40 |
LO – Landsorganisasjonen i Norge | 1 187 | 889 | 298 | 33 |
Palestinian Prime Minister’s Office | 1 184 | 1 300 | -116 | -9 |
Bistandsnemnda | 1 147 | 1 955 | -808 | -41 |
UiA – Universitetet i Agder | 979 | 979 | ||
Kvekerhjelpen | 917 | 915 | 2 | 0 |
Utdanningsforbundet | 904 | 582 | 322 | 55 |
Al Haq | 900 | 650 | 250 | 38 |
PalTrade | 866 | 800 | 66 | 8 |
TAMER- Tamer Institute for Community Education | 850 | 850 | ||
KFUK-KFUM Global | 804 | 328 | 476 | 145 |
Welfare Association | 752 | 748 | 4 | 1 |
Maan – Maan Development Centre | 700 | 500 | 200 | 40 |
Gaza Community Mental Health Program | 680 | 710 | -30 | -4 |
PFPPA – Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association | 675 | 1 125 | -450 | -40 |
Scanteam AS | 651 | 651 | ||
Palestinian Ministry of Education | 650 | 650 | ||
MIFTAH – Palestinian Initiative for Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy | 640 | 660 | -20 | -3 |
PLO – Palestine Liberation Org | 633 | 633 | ||
TROMSØ KOMMUNE | 623 | 0 | 623 | |
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights | 565 | 565 | ||
NCG – Nordic Consulting Group | 555 | 556 | -2 | 0 |
Gaza municipality | 550 | 550 | ||
PCFR – Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations | 540 | 1 120 | -580 | -52 |
AHLC – Ad Hoc Liason Committee | 524 | 1 067 | -543 | -51 |
Palestinian President’s Office | 498 | 2 534 | -2 036 | -80 |
Norsk ergoterapeutforbund | 388 | 239 | 149 | 63 |
Juzoor Foundation for Health and Social Development | 350 | 350 | 0 | 0 |
Negotiations Affairs Department PLO | 300 | 300 | ||
Industri Energi (fagforbundet) | 300 | 300 | ||
Udefinert | 240 | 1 396 | -1 156 | -83 |
Al-Dameer Association For Human Rights | 233 | 233 | ||
Tony Blair Middle East Envoy | 233 | 233 | ||
J Claussen | 191 | 191 | ||
Nationaltheatret | 175 | 175 | ||
Khalil Touma | 72 | 72 | ||
Ringve videregående skole | 31 | 31 | ||
Paal Holst | 15 | 15 | ||
Mål og Resultatstyring Anette P Simonsen | 12 | 12 | ||
Fellesutvalget for Palestina | -20 | 240 | -260 | -108 |
Palestinian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation | -812 | 25 594 | -26 407 | -103 |
Royal Norwegian Embassy, Tel Aviv | 10 000 | -10 000 | -100 | |
Palestinian Ministry of Finance | 7 000 | -7 000 | -100 | |
UNICEF- United Nations Children’s Fund | 5 000 | -5 000 | -100 | |
UNFPA – UN Population Fund | 5 000 | -5 000 | -100 | |
WFP – World Food Programme | 3 000 | -3 000 | -100 | |
Jerusalem Fund | 3 000 | -3 000 | -100 | |
WB/IBRD | 1 700 | -1 700 | -100 | |
Ogarit Cultural Centre | 850 | -850 | -100 | |
MUSAWA – Palestinian Center for the independance of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession | 800 | -800 | -100 | |
Palestine-Israel Journal | 550 | -550 | -100 | |
Palestinian Water Authority | 510 | -510 | -100 | |
AL MEZAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS | 500 | -500 | -100 | |
Høgskolen i Agder (HIA) | 350 | -350 | -100 | |
Norges Fredslag | 300 | -300 | -100 | |
CITpax – The Toledo International Centre for Peace | 262 | -262 | -100 | |
Kjemisk Industriarbeiderforbund | 248 | -248 | -100 | |
Rahma Islamic Relief Fund | 200 | -200 | -100 | |
Sa’adi Orfaly Daher | 52 | -52 | -100 | |
PLO Economic Affairs Department | -2 | 2 | -100 | |
TOTALT | 628 749 | 660 802 | -32 054 | -5 |