25. august 2008 publiserte MIFF et 54 sekunders klipp med en musikkvideo på YouTube. Musikkvideoen var kringkastet av terrororganisasjonen Hamas på deres tv-stasjon Al-Aqsa i 2007. I sang og bilder ble palestinsk barn oppmuntret til å bli terrorister.
MIFF publiserte selvsagt filmen med norsk teksting for å avsløre Hamas sitt farlige hatspråk og voldsoppvigleri.
Her er filmen med engelsk teksting:
Nå, 913 visninger og ti år senere, har YouTube plutselig funnet ut at filmen bryter deres retningslinjer. Avgjørelsen kommer etter at noen har klaget på filmen til YouTube. «Vi har fjernet den fra YouTube,» skriver selskapet i e-post til MIFF på kvelden tirsdag 18. desember. YouTube har også straffet MIFF med midlertidig å stanset muligheten til direktesendinger.
MIFF har selvsagt klaget på avgjørelsen, og vi ber deg kontakte YouTube for å gjøre det samme. Del også saken i sosiale medier og skriv din mening i kommentarfeltet under.
Palestinian Media Watch, som MIFF samarbeidet med i tekstingen av filmen, har opplevd å få lignende reaksjoner fra YouTube en rekke ganger.
Hele e-posten fra YouTube (lenker fjernet):
Hi medisraelforfred,
As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe which content we allow – and don’t allow – on YouTube. Your video «Hamas lærer 10-åringer å bli terrorister» was flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it violates our guidelines. We’ve removed it from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account.
Video content restrictions
If a video contains violent or graphic content that appears to be posted in a shocking, sensational, or disrespectful manner, it’s less likely to be allowed on YouTube. We also don’t allow content that’s intended to incite violence or encourage dangerous activities. We review content on a case by case basis and will only make limited exceptions for appropriate educational, documentary, artistic, and scientific contexts, where the purpose of posting is clear.
In light of this, we ask that uploaders post as much information as possible in the title and description of their video to help us and viewers understand the primary purpose of the video. Please note, even with this additional context, it’s still not acceptable to post violent or gory content that’s primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or disrespectful and this type of content is prohibited on YouTube. Learn more here.
The impact of strikes
This is the first strike applied to your account. We understand that users seldom intend to violate our policies. That’s why strikes don’t last forever – this strike will expire in three months. However, it’s important to remember that additional strikes could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account being terminated.
How you can respond
If you believe this was a mistake, we’d like to hear from you. Please follow both of these steps as simply deleting the video won’t resolve the strike on your account.
- The next time you sign in you will be asked to acknowledge this strike on your account.
- If you would like to appeal this strike, please submit this form. Our team will thoroughly review your appeal and will contact you again very soon.
– The YouTube Team